Friday, 1 March 2013

Euler Piruleta Vs. Gloomy Boy

What an intense week we've had... :P

Here are some of the great moments we had building the first T-9's.

Click here to download all the pictures at once!

Now everything has been settled and prepared for the next week. Remember that it's vital to glue them with care and thoroughly. Take your time, we're not in a hurry and do the tasks you feel more confortable with :D

Furthermore, I'm afraid this week has also been quite intense for our beloved Euler Piruleta. Gloomy Boy has threatened him with a long life of gloom, darkness and sadness, unless he manages to solve an ancient mystery: The Damned Triangle!!

First Question: Would you be able to write the next arrow? How do we move from one arrow to the next one?

Second Question: Calculate the addition of all the terms for each arrow. Can you tell the value of the addition of the numbers in the 20th arrow without calculating the arrow? Is it possible to write those numbers as a sequence?

Third Question: Complete the triangle to the 15th arrow and then, colour those numbers which are even... which is the amazing figure you get?

Watch it!: This is 2nd term's last challenge. You may get 1 or 2 extra positives depending on the accuracy of your answers. You can mail them to me with the answers, drawings and anything you think you should include or take it handwritten to my deske at the Department of Mathematics.

Deadline: March the 10th. Printable version here!

Now it's time to relax whilst listening to a lovely and beatiful song ^_^

The Radio Dept. - "Strange Things Will Happen"

Oi!!! And don't forget to download this forthcoming summer's greatest hit!! 

PS: Sergio, Iñaki G, Jorge, Tania, Ivan and Carlos have been awarded with the "Where is the father" positive. Iñaki A, Ivan, Angel, Raquel, Carlos, Jorge, Iñaki G, Juan, Daniel and Tania have been awarded with the "Impossible Path" positive. Congrats! :D


  1. mario as you wel know today we did the thursday test although it is just wednesday and i dont understand the second excercise could you explain it please thx!!!!!!!

    1. Haha, don't worry. I just wanted you to think, that exercise will be considered only as extra points ;)

      For the first sequence, the numerator is the position squared plus one, and the denominator the position plus one.

      The second sequence has a typo, thus it will be eliminated ;)

      Have a nice weekend!!!!!
