Friday, 8 February 2013

Euler Piruleta Vs. Tartufo

Tartufo has many non-admirable qualities… he is not only a ruffian and a cheater, but also a words-twister and ruthless person. Even more, he uses his domain of cult language to seduce both naïve men and women to be his lovers. 

But don’t worry! Euler Piruleta has proven not to be a naïve person… pffiuuu! Anyway, Tartufo has used a Rajoy-Merkel software to hack into Euler Piruleta’s bank account and has stolen every single euro from it. He would only return the money if our hero manages to solve this simple-in-appearance problem.

A woman is 21 years elder than her son. In 6 years, the mother’s age will be five times his son’s.
Question: where is the woman’s boyfriend?

You have many algebra skills but Euler has none… help him to solve this tricky challenge! Don’t be daunted by the solution, it may seem wrong, but if you think carefully about its possible interpretation, you may be able to answer the question!


1)     Don’t forget that in 6 years, both the woman and the son will be 6 years older

2)     Remember that we are working with YEARS, so the solutions are expressed in YEARS. This means that you may have to interpret/translate one of the solutions to get the answer to the question… where is the women’s boyfriend?

As usual, send me your solutions by e-mail, and explain briefly how did you get to that result. Deadline: February the 17th. There's also a printable version.

As I promised, you can download now the solutions to the "Extra Exercises"!! 

Finally, these are some important dates for the next monts :D

- February the 20th: Units 4 & 5 review feat. Traveller's Problem

- February the 21st: Exam Units 4 & 5

- March the 4th: Progressions exercises (3ºAD)
- March the 5th: Gluing together triangles (3ºABCD)
- March the 6th: Progressions exercises (3ºABCD)
- March the 7th: Gluing together triangles (3ºABCD)
- March the 8th: Progressions exercises (3ºBC)

- March the 12th: Global Exam 2nd Dvaluation (Units 3, 4, 5)

- March the 13th: Futurama and Maths

- March the 26th: Exam Unit 7

- May the 9th: Exam Units 11 & 12

- May the 21st: Global Exam 3rd Evaluation (units 7, 11, 12 and 1 exercise of 13) This is this course's last exam ^_^

- There will NOT be written exam of units 13 and 10. You'll do a little Statistics Project at home (5 points) and some Geometry exercises in class (5 points). Those marks together will be considered as third evaluation's third partial exam. Therefore, from May the 21st till the end of the course you'll have enough time to prepare other subjects :D

Please, check if you have any problem with those dates ;)

PS: of course, there will be more surprises yet to be revealed :P MUAHAHA! Good ones, I mean...

AND ENJOY YOUR CARNIVAL HOLIDAYS!! This is one of the best songs I've heard in the last few months. They are from Iceland!!

Of Monsters and Men - "Little Talks"

PS: I haven't had enough time to check last challenge's solutions. I'll tell you whose are correct in the next entry ;)