This entry is dedicated to Ivan and Jorge, whose incredible square divisions have utterly delighted me!!! Thank you guys for your imagination!! :D
This is beyond impressive, isn't it????
Now, some reminders:
1) You have until this Sunday to vote for Euler Piruleta's face! Check the previous entries to decide among the candidates.
2) Don't forget that you must bring your Origami Tower by next Tuesday.
Unfortunately, Euler Piruleta didn't receive the help he expected with his last challenge, and he almost found himself absorbed by evil Cell... However, in the last moment, some solutions appeared and he got rid of Cell successfully ^_^ Thanks to Maria, Tania and Marina, Euler Piruleta is back and strong enough to keep on fighting...
This time he has to face the tedious Quadratic Equations' Formula and its plans to make every single student in 3ºESO to fail maths this term... What a rascal!!
Euler Piruleta's only chance is to fully understand where this formula comes from.
Here are the instructions to help poor Euler solving this challenge. You have until next Friday to get the solution. Since this challenge requires writing math symbols, your solutions should be handed to me in class handwritten.
Good luck!!
These two songs are from a previous entry which I think most of you haven't read :P So, enjoy with OK Go and their wonderful choreographies!
OK GO "A million ways"
OK GO "Here it goes again"
Mario, tomorrow I will gave the solution,and thank you for the entry:D