Saturday, 15 December 2012

Polynomials' Exam

Most of you have done an impressive job with this exam :D

However, there are still some T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E mistakes which will eventually exterminate you by the Daleks or even worse... by ME!!  :P


$2 \cdot \frac{3}{2}$ is equal to $\frac{6}{2}$ and not to $\frac{6}{4}$  ¬¬ ejem ejem...

AD01 8,6 BC01 8,8
AD02 8,8 BC02 5,9
AD03 9,2 BC03 8,8
AD04 7,9 BC04 8,9
AD05 8,2 BC05 9,8
AD06 7,5 BC06 7
AD07 8,2 BC07 4,4
AD08 7,3 BC08 7,1
AD09 7,1 BC09 9,9
AD10 8,7 BC10 8,9
AD11 6,6 BC11 6,6
AD12 9,3 BC12 4,6
AD13 9 BC13 4,3
AD14 10,5 BC14 9,8
AD15 6,6 BC15 10
AD16 9,7 BC16 8,9
AD17 2,8 BC17 7,2
AD18 6,1 BC18 7,9
AD19 10,3 BC19 5,7
AD20 9,1 BC20 7,6
AD21 5,7 BC21 4,7
AD22 7,2 BC22 9,3
AD23 9,2 BC23 6,6
BC24 8

Did you know that the man who introduced the "Futbolín" in Spain was Alexandre de Fisterra from Galicia? We owe so much to him :D There's even a song from a TV Program ("O Xabarín Club") which was remarkably famous when I was 12 years old :P

Oda ó Futbolín (Os Diplomáticos de Monte Alto)

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