Sunday, 27 October 2013

Euler Piruleta Vs. Robotnic

Robotnic has been promoted and he is now the head ruler of Matfor’s Bank. Euler needs to get his money out of the bank to buy a new surfboard since the one he had did not survive to the last summer.

The problem Euler finds is that Robotnic has been messing with the Bank’s software and now he would only get his money if he manages to introduce in the mobile app the 4-number code verifying the 4 conditions below:

Can you get the right combination of numbers ABCD that would unlock Euler’s Money?

Printable Version available!

Deadline: November the 2nd.

Have a look at the outrageously tacky clothes of who is considered the most successful spanish singer from the 80's. Unfortunately, he had a tragic and premature death when he was only 41 years old:
Tino Casal - "Eloise"

PS: Alberto, Jorge, Iván, María G, Iñaki G and Miguel deserve last challenge's positive.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Euler Piruleta Vs. Quickman

I'll be brief too... :P

Quickman is helping Euler to develop a superhero speed of thinking.

He challenges Euler to give the most possible accurate answer to the problem of the square roots.

1)    Which values of    verify that ?
    2)    Which values of    verify that ?

Deadline: Friday the 25th of October
Printable Version available.

Pre-evaluation week! Let's smileeeeee!

Two Door Cinema Club - "What you know"

PS: Miguel, Jorge, Iván, Alberto, María G. and Iñaki G. have received extra coins for their solutions!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Euler Piruleta Vs. Sefirot

One of the former evil rulers of Matfor, Sefirot, is planning to take advantage of the current situation (one of the future kings has been kidnapped and the other one has been reported missing) to launch a nuclear strike.

Euler has managed to enter his base and he has reached the warehouses where the nuclear warheads are hidden. The first warehouse has 1 nuclear warhead, the second one 2 nuclear warheads, the third 3 warheads Unfortunately, Euler realizes that there are 100 warehouses and that the number of warheads keeps increasing as described.

Furthermore, the warheads are surrounded by fake circuits with the same shape and size as the warheads, and they must be deactivated first!

a)      How many fake warheads will be surrounding the 5 nuclear warheads kept in the fifth warehouse?
b)     And in the tenth warehouse?
c)      How many fake warheads have to be deactivated by Euler for neutralizing all the warheads kept in the 100.

Deadline: October the 11th.
Printable Versiona available

Have a nice weekend and enjoy Villava's "Fiestas de"... EPIC MUSIC!!

Vangelis - Mythodea Movement 1

Last challenge winners: Jorge, Iván, Tania, Carlos, Iñaki G.