Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Fourth Challenge

Verónica, Carlos, Xabier, Iván, María, Iñaki, Tania have given a valid answer for Romeo's Challenge. Congratulations!! :D These are some of your solutions:

And your brand new challenge is the following:

The Gallons’ Problem

Imagine the following situation: a bomb is set in Taconera’s Park and you are the only on capable of dismantling it. Spanish CSI Special Agent  Euler Piruleta requires your services and you find yourself before this bomb…

Only 4 minutes are left before the bomb explodes and the only way of stopping it is placing a bottle filed with 4 gallons of water in a balance. You have a 3-gallon and a 5-gallon bottle and a fountain with a continuous stream of water…

How can you get those 4 gallons inside one bottle using the 3-gallon and 5-gallon bottles?

Remember: our future depends on you!!! :D

Dedline: October the 31st! Do not forget to post a comment if you discover the solution  ^_^

Printable Version here!

"Such Great Heights" by The Postal Service
An amazing Song!!!

I almost forgoto about this! Do you remember the Ninja Star I took into class last week? Here's a video with some straightforward guidances to learn how to do it! :D

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Third Challenge

I would never understand why you are so daunted by fractions...  :P  What would we do without them??

Anyway, congratulations to Marina, Verónica, Jorge, Xabier, Iván and Tania; you all deserve a Challenge Possitive Extra Point :D

It wasn't that difficult, was it?

a)      $0,\widehat{6}+0,\widehat{3}= \frac{6}{9} + \frac{3}{9} = 1$
$$\left(1-\frac{1}{2}\right) \cdot \left( 1-\frac{1}{3} \right) \cdot \left( 1- \frac{1}{4} \right) \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{1}{5} \right) \cdots \left( 1 - \frac{1}{999} \right) \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{1}{1000} \right) = \\ \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{2}{3} \cdot \frac{3}{4} \cdot \frac{4}{5} \cdots \frac{998}{999} \cdot \frac{999}{1000} = \frac{1}{1000}$$

New Challenge: Romeo and Juliet

These two snails are Romeo and Juliet. Juliet has been waiting in her balcony for her lover‘s arrival, but Romeo has just had dinner and he has truly forgotten the number of Juliet’s house. Every square represents one house (64 in all, including Romeo’s and Juliet’s) and the passionate lover will visit every single house one time and one time only before reaching to Juliet.

 You must try to help him to find his way but be careful… he is only allowed to move upwardsdownwards, to the left, to the right and diagonally.

One more thing:  You are only entitled to use up to 20 straight lines… it seems our little fellow is not keen at all about turning on corners…

The procedure is the same as always: send me an e-mail with the solution and post a comment to this entry. This challenge's deadline is  October the 22th. Ony the first 10 valid solutions will get a positive!! Don't miss the chance!

Printable version HERE!

Tip: The best way to try to solve this is copying the image to gimp, paint or a similar software and draw the lines over it.

Thanks to Maria, I have been thinking about the music groups which were beyond famous when I was your age, so I have decided to post here 4 songs that really made an impact in the life of every teenager boy/girl in the mid 90's.... :P   You'll notice how times have changed!! XD

(Take That - "Back for good", 1995)
Try to spot a famous face here...

(Spice Girls - "Wannabe", 1995)
No comments... Do you recognise Victoria Beckham,
formerly known as Victoria Adams???

(Backstreet Boys - "Get Down", 1996)
This video cracks me up XDDDDD LOL

(Bloodhound Gang - "The Bad Touch", 1999)

Be seeing you!!!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

New Challenge and Unit 1 Exam's Results

How are you doing?

I'm quite overwhelmed by your results... Congratulations! Some of you should be proud of yourselves, others should take care of those silly mistakes you sometimes can't avoid making and, finally, there are people whose main problem is the lack of effort and attention in class... Anyway, it's never too late to improve your qualifications!

AB01 8,1 BC01 8,5
AB02 6,7 BC02 4,5
AB03 9,1 BC03 6,4
AB04 7,8 BC04 9,6
AB05 9,1 BC05 9,3
AB06 8,9 BC06 9,2
AB08 7 BC07 8,4
AB09 6,9 BC08 8,3
AB11 2,5 BC09 10
AB13 8,3 BC10 8,9
AB14 9,7 BC11 7,8
AB15 6,7 BC12 5,9
AB16 9,5 BC13 7,8
AB18 7,7 BC14 9,8
AB19 9,6 BC15 9,5
AB20 7,6 BC16 8,9
AB22 8,3 BC17 5,3
AB23 9,6 BC18 8,1
AD07 8,9 BC19 5,3
AD10 9,4 BC20 7,5
AD12 6,1 BC21 6,9
AD17 6,5 BC22 10
AD21 7,4 BC23 6,8
BC24 8

Challenge 2: An almost infinite Addition

First of all, congratulations to Laia, Iván, María G., Verónica, Tania, Andrea I., Carlos, Jorge and Xabier. You have given one of the multiple right answers ^_^ Therefore, you have won a Challenge's Possitive.

Mathematics is a science where not only additions and subtractions are featured… There are so many different fields in mathematics that they are almost endless (analysis, geometry, algebra, statistics, topology, games theory…) and, sometimes, the problems we have to face consist on proving some result we think it’s bound to be true (they are usually called theorems).

These demonstrations are usually tough and long, that’s why they involve huge quantities of time, effort and study so we don’t become nuts with things like….

Your time has come to prove something!!
a)      Prove that  $0,\widehat{6}+0,\widehat{3}=1$
b)     Try to get the result of the following product of fractions without multiplying all of them (which would take ages…): 
$$\left(1-\frac{1}{2}\right) \cdot \left( 1-\frac{1}{3} \right) \cdot \left( 1- \frac{1}{4} \right) \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{1}{5} \right) \cdots \left( 1 - \frac{1}{999} \right) \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{1}{1000} \right)$$

The guidelines are the following: this time you can either send me the answer to my gmail account (if you want, yo may do it with paper and pen and scan it) or bring it to class in a piece of paper. Only the 14 first answers will receive a positive mark. Deadline: October the 13th. Printable version HERE!!

In two weeks Keane will be playing alive in the Baluarte. I had the chance to attend one of their performances and they sounded really impressive ;)
Keane - "Silenced by the Night"

Wednesday, 3 October 2012